
InterPlay is an active, creative way to access the body’s wisdom Through InterPlay you can be part of a global community that honors and celebrates our birthrights of movement, storytelling, singing, self-reflection and community.
To learn more about this international movement click here.
Want to experience it for yourself? It’s really the only way to get a feel because it’s so amazing! We practice an “ethic of play” and you get to show up just as you are.

Milissa Link is an InterPlay leader-in-training, and will soon have international certification. She is currently completing mentored hours of self-study and facilitating groups. Anyone is welcome!
Tree Play
What better place to “play with our problems,” as we say in the InterPlay community, than on wooded, restored prairie land filled with birds and butterflies? Let’s go!
Stay tuned for offerings on my partner Marc Anderson’s land in the Driftless Area of Western Wisconsin near Maidenrock. Travel time by car from the Twin Cities is 60-90 minutes. We will have trees and flowers as partners, as well as spirited humans to improvise with.